Monday, January 29, 2007

Recent stuff and some news of sorts

Well, the knight animation is coming along nicely, but there are plenty of things I wish I would have done differently when I started that would have saved me loads of time. I suppose that's the benefit of animation experience is that you know what to do and how to work.

I just subscribed to Keith Lango's VTS series, and let me tell you, its a godsend. There's so much great information in those videos, its hard to believe I was trying to animate without them. I definitely feel like I have a much better understanding of animation because of them. I love how he draws from a traditional animation work flow and relates it to how CG animators should approach their work.

As for the Animation Club, I'm still waiting on an answer from the Animation Department. So, until they give me a yay or nay, we'll have the meetings on our own. I'm working on the flier right now, and trying to tell as many people as I can. Hopefully, we can get a sponsor, because without a teacher, we'd only be drawing from our own experience (or lack there of), and nobody wants that.

Anyway, take it easy, keep animating, and I'll post any news about the club as soon as it gets to me.

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