Well its been a while since I've updated the blog, but anyway theres a lot of exciting stuff going on.
For you guys at Full Sail, I talked to Jeremy Vickery, who is a lighting TD at Pixar, the other day and he is coming to talk about Ratatouille on either the 12th or the 19th. He was here last year around the same time to talk about Cars.
SIGGRAPH is also coming up pretty soon, which is going to be completely amazing. If you're reading this you probably already know about SIGGRAPH but if you don't its a computer art and technology convention where people from all over the world come to show off their work/research. Its going to be in San Diego this year at the beginning of August.
Right now I'm working on 3 different scenes so I have something to show off when I get there. As soon as they're finished I'll throw them up here for you guys to look at.
In the mean time you guys should check out this new website called My Toons at www.mytoons.com. Its a place where everybody can show off their animations and have them rated and all that good web 2.0 stuff. Check it out though, there's some nice work on there.